Commercial Building on Seabreeze ready for owner to occupy 1/3 of the building while 2 long term restaurant tenants pay the mortgage. Corner lot with frontage on Seabreeze and Peninsula. Established long term restaurants with great following occupy 2/3 of the building. Possible uses: Micro Brewery, Micro Winery, Attorney, Entertainment, Event Center, Florist, Dry Cleaner, Club or Lodge, Medical or dental. Radio or Television Studio. New Roof.
- Age: Over 50 Years Old
- Amenities: Dock
- Architecture Style: Other
- Building Units: 3
- Exterior Type: Brick
- Exterior Type: Block
- Exterior Type: Concrete
- Heating System: Central Furnace
- Legal Description: LOT 16 BLK 25 EAST DAYTONA MB 2 PG 106 PER OR 5158 PG 0720 PER OR 6409 PGS 1303-1304 PER OR 7554 PG 0182 PER OR 7595 PGS 1093-1094 PER OR 7982 PG 0677
- MLSID: 1203134